Broadband communication and its realization with broadband ISDN

In addition to narrowband services, future broadband networks will also include broadband services for applications like: high-speed communication of data, text and graphics person-to-person video communication, access to video information as well as broadcast of programs and data. Low terminal costs and service charges are essential with respect to a growing demand for new services, especially in the home. Broadband ISDN, to be developed on the basis of ISDN and using glass-fiber subscriber lines, will enable a wide range of applications satisfying the needs and requirements of the business and private sectors. The best technical solution from the aspect of user-friendliness and economy is to implement this broadband ISDN for all services with an evolutionary and flexible design. The broadband ISDN concept is not restricted to the public network and terminal equipment but also comprises private networks, information and program centers, etc. Many countries are pursuing the goal of this universal network for the future "information society". However, the approaches for setting up the broadband ISDN differ from country to country, depending on the particular technical and political situation. Standardization plays an important role with regard to "open broadband telecommunication", the worldwide trouble-free communication and information exchange of one party with any other.

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