Arthroscopic labral debridement

This is a retrospective review of 40 patients who under went arthroscopic labral debridement of the shoulder. All patients were active participants in sports involving use of the shoulder. All patients presented with shoul der pain. Only 40% were found to have distinct gleno humeral instability on examination. At surgery, all pa tients had labral injury. Ten patients had anterosuperior labral tears, 20 had anteroinferior labral tears or de tachments, and 10 had posteroinferior labral tears or detachments. Outcome was assessed at a minimum of 2 years (average, 43 months) postoperatively. Overall, only 7% of the patients had significant symptomatic relief at followup. However, 72% noted relief of symptoms dur ing the 1 st year after surgery, but there was deterio ration over time. Conclusion: Arthroscopic labral debridement is not an effective long-term solution for symptomatic relief in the overhead athlete.

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