This paper reports an investigation of parametric frequency conversion in a vapor of Rb87 atoms in which nearly resonant optical waves are coupled with microwaves at the ground-state hyperfine-structure (hfs) frequency of Rb87 by the nonlinear susceptibilities of Rb87 vapor. These nonlinear susceptibilities are greatly enhanced by optical pumping of the ground-state hfs levels of Rb87 and by using nearly resonant light. The frequency-conversion process generates optical sideband waves which are separated in frequency from the carrier light waves by the ground-state hfs frequency of Rb87 (6.835 GHz). These sidebands have been directly observed in the spectral profiles of Rb85 resonance light which had passed through Rb87 vapor. The conversion efficiency of power from the carrier waves to the sideband waves in a 45-cm length of vapor was greater than 1%. The observed behavior of the sidebands is in excellent qualitative agreement with the predictions of a semiclassical theory.