Three samples of Korean Drosophila melanogaster from 2 localities were analyzed for viability factors and specific visible mutations in 474 2nd and 539 3rd chromosomes by Cy and TM3. Lethals were tested for their allelism in both autosomes. The combined frequencies of lethals and semilethals ranged 13.0 to 16.1 % among 2nd and 16.3 to 20.0 % among 3rd chromosomes, but the meaning of the higher incidence of lethals in the 3rd chromosome was not clear. Lethal allelism rates were similar among both autosomes in intra- and inter-population tests. There was a similar allelism rate for the totals of chromosome II vs. III, although the rate differed significantly from population to population. The intra-population allelism rates for chromosomes II + III ranged from 0.6 to 2.6%. The recessive visibles, bw or or and p, were common in the populations.