The sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes maintains luminous bacterial symbionts of the species Vibrio fischeri in a bilobed light organ partially embedded in the ventral surface of the ink sac. Anatomical and ultrastructural observations of the light organ during embryogenesis indicate that the organ begins development as a paired proliferation of the mesoderm of the hindgut-ink sac complex. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the incipient light organ of a newly hatched juvenile revealed the presence of three pairs of sacculate crypts, each crypt joined to a pore on the surface of the light organ by a ciliated duct. The crypts, which become populated with bacterial symbionts within hours after the juvenile hatches, appear to result from sequential paired invaginations of the surface epithelium of the hindgut-ink sac complex during embryogenesis. A pair of anterior and a pair of posterior ciliated epithelial appendages, which may facilitate infection of the incipient light organ with symbiotic bacteria, develop by extension and growth of the surface epithelium. The ink sac and reflector develop dorsal to the crypts and together function to direct luminescence ventrally. These two accessory tissues are present at the time of hatching, although changes in their overall structure accompany growth and maturation of the light organ. A third accessory tissue, the muscle-derived lens, appears during post-hatch maturation of the light organ.