First order calculation of the inclusive cross sectionppZZby graviton exchange in large extra dimensions

We calculate the inclusive cross section of double Z-boson production within large extra dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Using perturbatively quantized gravity in the ADD (Arkani-Hamed, Dvali, Dimopoulos) model we perform a first order calculation of the graviton mediated contribution to the ppZZ+x cross section. At low energies (e.g. Tevatron) this additional contribution is very small, making it virtually unobservable, for a fundamental mass scale above 2500 GeV. At LHC energies, however, the calculation indicates that the ZZ-production rate within the ADD model should differ significantly from the standard model if the new fundamental mass scale would be below 15000 GeV. A comparison with the observed production rate at the LHC might therefore provide direct hints on the number and structure of the extra dimensions.