Do sex-role appropriate materials influence the piagetian task performance of older adults?

The influence of sex-role appropriate materials on the utilization of logical competence among older persons was assessed, and how such materials with subject''s sex-role identity to affect cognitive performance was determined. Thirty male and 30 female Ss [subjects] (mean age = 71.3 yr) were administered the short form of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory and either a male-oriented, a female-oriented or a traditional version of 2 concrete operational and 2 formal operational Piagetian tasks. Gender influenced performance on 1 of the concrete tasks, task orientation influenced performance on 1 of the formal tasks, and sex-role classification interacted with task orientation to influence performance on both of the formal operational tasks. Subjects may perform best on those versions of the formal operational tasks that do not match their own sex type. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.