Chlordanes in the Mid-Atlantic Atmosphere: New Jersey 1997−1999

To characterize the atmospheric dynamics and behavior of chlordane compounds in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, atmospheric concentrations were measured in 1997-1999 at three New Jersey locations as part of the New Jersey Atmospheric Deposition Network (NJADN) project. Observed concentrations of sigma-chlordanes (cischlordane + trans-chlordane + cis-nonachlor + transnonachlor) are log-normally distributed, with a geometric mean concentration of 77.1 pg m(-3) and range from 6.1 to 481 pg m(-3). Gas-phase species comprised 83% (+/-23%) of the sigma-chlordanes species across all samples at all location. Gas-phase sigma-chlordane concentrations are inversely proportional to temperature, with higher concentrations during periods of warmer air temperatures. Observed concentrations do not correlate with wind direction or air mass history, which suggests that observed concentrations in the New Jersey atmosphere are due to volatilization from soils and surfaces on the regional scale.