The author was on holiday in Mexico City at the time of the earthquake, and felt his hotel building sway. He concluded that the ground shaking near the center of the earthquake must have been of destructive intensity and, therefore, it would be worthwhile to investigate the damage. Professor Emilio Rosenblueth of the Instituto de Ingenieria of the University of Mexico (UNAM) arranged for the author to join the team of engineers from the Instituto for their visit to the damaged area on the 29th, 30th and 31st of August. Initially, the group consisted of Professors Enrique del Valle and Oscar Hernandez, Ing. Roberto Villaverde, and the author. Later, on 30 August, this group was joined by Ing. Alejandro Gonzales, Ing. Belzay Romero, Ing. Jose Suarez and Mr. John F. Meehan, Research Director of the Office of Architecture and Construction, State of California. To these people the author expresses his sincere thanks for their consideration, and for the interesting discussions of the damage.