Key factors governing polar ocean ecosystems are low temperatures and a pronounced seasonal variability of ice cover, light regime and primary production. Depending on their ecological niche and trophic position, zooplankton species at high latitudes have developed a variety of reproductive strategies and energetic adaptations to cope with these extreme environmental conditions. Life-cycle strategies of the herbivorous copepods and euphausiids, which make up the major portion of polar zooplankton biomass, include seasonal vertical migration, dormancy (diapause, quiescence) and the accumulation of energy reserves. These lipid stores help to buffer the pulsed seasonal food supply, and they play an important role in fueling reproduction independent of phytoplankton. Only a smaller fraction of the lipid reserves accumulated during spring and summer are usually catabolized for metabolic maintenance during the food-limited dark season. These deposits are retained until the end of winter and allow early egg production and spawning prior to—or coinciding with—the onset of vernal primary production. It enables the new generation to make full use of the short productive season for growth and development to reach viable overwintering stages. The Antarctic krill Euphausia superba is an exception since it uses its depot lipids for metabolic maintenance during the dark season. It therefore relies on external resources (Primary production) for reproductive processes, resulting in a later spawning period as compared to the other euphausiids. Another important component of the herbivorous Antarctic zooplankton, the salps, have developed a very different reproductive strategy. They are able to switch from sexual reproduction to asexual budding (metagenesis), which allows extreme multiplication rates under favourable feeding conditions. Due to these successful adaptations, herbivores are able to build up huge stocks, in spite of the short productive period. Omnivorous and carnivorous zooplankton species, e.g., amphipods or chaetognaths, are not much constrained by the seasonality problem, but experience a more constant food supply. They show a tendency towards K strategies with a prolonged reproductive period, reduced egg numbers and increasing parental care. However, they do not exhibit such typical “polar adaptations” as developed by the herbivorous species.