A novel elongated mutant has been isolated from EMS-mutagenized populations of the Arabidopsis thaliana ga4 mutant. After backcrossing with the Landsberg erecta (Ler) wild-type (WT) followed by selfing, the mutant phenotype was identified in the GA4 background. Seedlings of the mutant, which has been named elg (elongated), are characterized by elongated hypocotyls and petioles, leaves that are narrow and somewhat epinastic and early flowering. Allelism tests with the hy1-hy5 mutants indicate that elg is not allelic with any of these long-hypocotyl mutants. From linkage analyses, the location of elg on chromosome 4, between cer2 and ap2 has been established. The pleiotropic phenotype of elg seedlings is suggestive of a disruption of phytochrome and/or gibberellin (GA) function. Although the elg mutant displays a light-dependent long-hypocotyl phenotype, elg seedlings retain a full range of photomorphogenic responses and the elg mutation acts additively with the photomorphogenic mutants phyB, hy1 and hy2. This suggests that ELG acts independently of phytochrome action. The elg mutation partially suppresses the effect of GA-deficiency on elongation growth, and, although elg ga1 seedlings are more elongated than ga1 seedlings, both genotypes respond in the same way to applied GA. That applied GA and the elg mutation interact additively suggests that ELG acts independently of GA action.