Life with an Ilal Conduit: Results of Questonnaire Surveys of Patients and Urlogical Surgeons

Summary— Two questinnaire surveys were undertake to investigatie the problems experienced by patients and staff in coping with ilial conduits. A survey of 34 patients showed that the major problems were urinaryleakage and skin excoriation. In 7 out of 13 patients, leakage was associated with contour problems due to abdominal hernias or recession of the Stoma. Fifty-seven questionnaires were received from British urologists, who each constructed, on average, 7 ileal conduits per annum. Twenty of 57 surgeons had no stomatherapist. Leakage and skin reactions were once again the most commonly encountered problems. It was concluded that the most severe leakage problems could be prevented by careful surgical techique. However, most of the day-to-day problems could be handled by a competent stomatherapist.