Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. Presented by Dr. Finnerud. A single woman, aged 25, had a slightly itching eruption of generalized distribution, of six months' duration. She said that the disorder began as redness and scaling of the face and neck, following sunburn, and spread within a few weeks to involve these areas and the extremities practically diffusely. Her personal history was negative except for irregularity of the menstrual periods. When presented, the condition was much improved from the use of local preparations and the administration of thyroid extract. On Sept. 29, 1928, the basal metabolic rate was 22 per cent below the normal average. Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. Presented by Dr. Foerster and Dr. Wieder. A. K., a white man, a student, aged 22, had a generalized eruption of twelve years' duration, which reached its fullest development five years before presentation. On Aug. 21, 1922, examination showed a generalized xerosis with symmetrically

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