The Inner Structure of LambdaCDM Halos I: A Numerical Convergence Study

We present a comprehensive set of convergence tests which explore the role of various numerical parameters on the equilibrium structure of a simulated dark matter halo. We report results obtained with two independent, state-of-the-art, multi-stepping, parallel N-body codes: PKDGRAV and GADGET. We find that convergent mass profiles can be obtained for suitable choices of the gravitational softening, timestep, force accuracy, initial redshift, and particle number. For softenings chosen so that particle discreteness effects are negligible, convergence in the circular velocity is obtained at radii where the following conditions are satisfied: (i) the timestep is much shorter than the local orbital timescale; (ii) accelerations do not exceed a characteristic acceleration imprinted by the gravitational softening; and (iii) enough particles are enclosed so that the collisional relaxation timescale is longer than the age of the universe. The most stringent requirement for convergence is typically that imposed on the particle number by the collisional relaxation criterion, which implies that in order to estimate accurate circular velocities at radii where the density contrast may reach $\sim 10^6$, the region must enclose of order 3000 particles (or more than a few times $10^6$ within the virial radius). Applying these criteria to a galaxy-sized $\Lambda$CDM halo, we find that the spherically-averaged density profile becomes progressively shallower from the virial radius inwards, reaching a logarithmic slope shallower than -1.2 at the innermost resolved point, $r \sim 0.005 r_{200}$, with little evidence for convergence to a power-law behaviour in the inner regions.

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