Effect of Removal of the Root Tip on the Development of Enhanced Rb+ Absorption by Corn Roots

Samples of primary root tissue of corn (Zea mays L.) were aged either in CaSO(4) solution or in humid air, after which they were immersed for 10 minutes in a solution containing 0.1 mm(86)RbCl. Aging in solution, but not in humid air, enhanced the subsequent rate of Rb(+) absorption. Excision of roots before aging was followed by greater enhancement than when exicision followed aging. The time course of aging of 1-cm segments from different portions of the root showed decreasing response with increasing distance from the root cap. The aging response of apical segments (5-15 mm from the root cap) could be detected within 10 minutes and usually reached a maximum within 2 hours. Rb(+) absorption by apical segments (5-15 mm) aged without the tip (0-5 mm) was more than double that by apical segments whose tips were left attached until the end of the aging period. When apical segments without the tip were aged for 2 hours in the CaSO(4) solution in which seedlings had previously been grown for 24 hours, the rate of absorption was only 63% of samples aged in fresh solution. When apical segments were aged for 2 hours in fresh solution containing excised tips floating free in the solution, the rate of Rb(+) absorption was 20% less than in samples aged in solution containing no excised tips. The data presented in this study are interpreted to indicate that a water-soluble metabolite, originating in the root tip and translocated basipetally, inhibits Rb accumulation.