A REVIEW of the problem of road traffic acci dents (RTA) in Jordan is presented with a special reference made to hospitalised accidents. Analy sis of time-series data on road traffic accidents (RTA) between 1979 and 1985 showed a rising trend. Over three-quarters of accidents occur in urban areas and during daylight while pedestrians constitute over 40% of all in juries. A detailed analysis of 1986 RTA has revealed that more accidents occur on Saturdays (the first day of working week) and during summer months. Out of all drivers involved 96% were male and 95% were Jordanians. Three-quarters of injured pedestrians were less than 20 years of age, a group which constitutes only 60% of total population. Analysis of hospitalised RTA showed that head injuries were the most common type followed by extremities while 73% of total injuries involved people less than 30 years of age. Joint and upper extremity injuries required the longest and the shortest periods of stay in hospitals respectively.

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