Research on Goat Milk Products: A Review

This is a review of 136 publications pertaining to preparation of consumer products from goat milk. In many in- stances these publications do not report data from research but are descriptions of processes and practices in the manu- facture of such products. A supple- mentary bibliography listing 183 publica- tions is provided also. Most of these articles, or abstracts thereof, were scanned also, but their contents were not cited in the review. This study of the literature shows that cheese is the only product made from goat milk which has been researched extensively. Few data are available on the manufacture of fluid milk products (low fat, fortified, or flavored), cultured products such as buttermilk or yogurt, frozen products such as ice cream or frozen yogurt, or butter, condensed milks, or dried milk products. While it can be claimed that data on the manu- facture of these products from cow milk can be transposed to goat milk, experi- ence has proven that such is not always possible. There is need for additional research on these products.