Ecological controls on methane emissions from a Northern Peatland Complex in the zone of discontinuous permafrost, Manitoba, Canada

Methane emissions were measured by a static chamber technique in a diverse peatland complex in the Northern Study Area (NSA) of the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). Sampling areas represented a wide range of plant community and hydrochemical gradients (pH 3.9–7.0). Emissions were generally larger than those reported from other boreal wetland environments at similar latitude. Seasonal average fluxes from treed peatlands (including palsas) ranged from 0 to 20 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 compared with 92 to 380 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 in open graminoid bogs and fens (with maximum single fluxes up to 1355 mg CH4 m−2 d−1). Permafrost‐related collapse scars had similarly high CH4 emissions, particularly in the lag areas where continuous measurements of water table, peat surface elevation, and peat temperature showed that the peat surface adjusted to a falling water table in the abnormally dry 1994 season, maintaining warm, saturated conditions and high CH4 flux later into the season than nonfloating sites. A predictive model for CH4 flux and environmental variables was developed using multiple stepwise regression. A combined variable of mean seasonal peat temperature at the average position of the water table explained most of the spatial variability in log CH4 flux (r2 = 0.64), with height above mean water table (HMWT), water chemistry (Kcorr, pH, Ca), tree cover, and herbaceous plant cover explaining additional variance (r2 = 0.81). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of combined vascular and bryophyte data with environmental variables showed that CH4 flux was negatively correlated with HMWT, the second axis of vegetation variability, and was only weakly correlated with chemistry, the first axis. Sedge and tree cover were correlated with high and low CH4 fluxes, respectively, while shrub cover was of less predictive value. Microtopographic groupings of hummocks and hollows were separated in terms of CH4 flux at the intermediate ranges of the moisture gradient. These data show that multivariate vegetation analyses may provide a useful framework for integrating the complex environmental controls on CH4 flux and extrapolating single point chamber measurements to the landscape scale using remote sensing. (Key words: CH4 flux, peatland, vegetation, and remote sensing.)