Spear tackler's spine

We describe spear tackler's spine, a clinical entity that constitutes an absolute contraindication to participation in tackle football and other collision activities that ex pose the cervical spine to axial energy inputs. A subset of football players were identified who demonstrated: 1) developmental narrowing (stenosis) of the cervical canal; 2) persistent straightening or reversal of the normal cervical lordotic curve on erect lateral roentgen ograms obtained in the neutral position; 3) concomitant preexisting posttraumatic roentgenographic abnormal ities of the cervical spine; and 4) documentation of having employed spear tackling techniques. From data obtained by the National Football Head and Neck Injury Registry and the senior author's practice, 15 cases of spear tackler's spine were identified during 1987 to 1990. All 15 cases were evaluated because of complaints referable to the cervical spine or brachial plexus result ing from football injuries. Of these, 11 had complete neurologic recovery without permanent sequelae. Four cases resulted in permanent neurologic deficits: quad riplegia, 2; incomplete hemiplegia, 1; and residual long track signs, 1. Permanent neurologic injury occurred as the result of axial loading of a persistently straightened cervical spine from use of head-impact playing tech niques. We suggest that individuals who possess the aforementioned characteristics of spear tackler's spine be precluded from participation in collision activities that expose the cervical spine to axial energy inputs.