Regional metabolism of experimental brain tumors

Experimental brain tumors were produced in rats by stereotactical implantation of various neoplastic cell lines (RG 2, RGl 2.2, G 13/11, F 98, RN 6, B 104, and E 367). Using autoradiographic, bioluminescence, and fluoroscopic methods, the following regional hemodynamic and metabolic parameters were measured on intact brain sections: blood flow, glucose utilization, pH, and the tissue content of ATP, glucose, and lactate. Tumors exnhibited a considerable diversity of regional blood flow and metabolic activity which did not correlate with the implanted cell line, location, or growth pattern. In solid regions of tumors the most consistent finding was a higher glucose utilization rate, a higher lactate, and a higher pH than in the surrounding brain tissue. Tumor ATP was slightly higher and glucose sightly lower than in the brain. In large spherical tumors a declining gradient of blood flow, glucose, and ATP from the periphery to the central parts was frequently observed, the decline being more pronounced for glucose than for ATP. In regions with high ATP tissue pH was usually higher than in the brain, but it decreased in areas in which ATP was depleted. The results obtained indicate that tumors are able to control tissue pH despite increased glycolysis and lactate production, as long as the energy state is not impaired. The mechanisms of pH regulation, therefore, have to be considered for establishing therapeutic procedures which intend to lower tumor pH for induction of tissue necrosis.