Electrical stimulation of the cortex of the temporal and frontal lobes and the insula of monkey with recording of vascular and respiratory responses has been carried out. Square wave pulses of low intensity (3-8 volts) and of varying frequency and pulse duration were used. From the temporal pole, blood pressure alterations and respiratory inhibition were obtained. The optimal parameters of stimulation were found to be a frequency of about 40/sec. and long pulse durations (10 msec). With these optimal parameters similar vascular and respiratory responses were obtained from a continuous cortical region extending through the anterior insula, the posterior orbital surface of the frontal lobe, the subcallosal region to the rostral limbic gyrus and also including basal olfactory structures (uncus, limen insulae, anterior perforated space). The lateral surface, of the frontal lobe including the depths of the arcuate and principal sulci was explored, but only inconstant respiratory changes were obtained from the cortex dorsal to the superior limb of the arcuate sulcus and ventral to its inferior limb. The continuous responsive region is covered either by allocortex or by agranular or sparsely granular isocortex showing some characteristics of the nearness of allocortex.