REPORT OF A CASE On Jan. 27, 1941 Miss S., aged 22, white, consulted me on account of a mass on the posterior wall of her throat. She had noted it for some time, but as it did not inconvenience her, she had neglected to consult a physician until it became rather large. Her general health was excellent, and her family physician said that there was no other abnormality. Examination.—A prominent swelling occupied the whole left side of the posterior wall of the pharynx. The tumor was smooth and firm and about 2 inches (5 cm.) long, extending from slightly above the palatal border almost to the level of the epiglottis. The patient had consulted Dr. H. M. Janse, another otolaryngologist in Houston, previous to coming to me. I got in touch with Dr. Janse, who stated that he had thought the tumor might be a cyst and had