Electronystagmography and rotary vestibular testing are of definite but limited value in screening the dizzy patient. Objective identification of a vestibular abnormality is valuable, but there is an additional need to appraise the functional capacity of those suffering central or peripheral disorders causing spatial disorientation or disequilibrium. Records of 175 patients undergoing posturography in the author's practice over a 1-year period were reviewed. Diagnosis was established by conventional neurotologic means including computerized electronystag-mography. Abnormal results on posturography were identified by criteria established through the national users group of Equi-Test participants. There were 112 peripheral cases with 50 (45%) abnormal on posturography, in contrast to 53 central patients with 38 (72%) abnormal. Posturography established a functional level of balance in certain peripheral and central disorders and provides limited but significant aid to assist in distinguishing between the two.