Enhanced Cell Killing, Inhibition of Recovery from Potentially Lethal Damage and Increased Mutation Frequency by 3-aminobenzamide in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells Exposed to X-rays

X-ray induced potentially lethal damage and its inhibition by the aromatic amide 3-aminobenzamide have been investigated in Chinese hamster V79 cells. 3-Aminobenzamide (3-AB) is a known inhibitor of polyadenosine diphosphoribose synthetase. With increasing concentrations of 3-AB an increasing inhibition of PLD repair was observed. Little inhibition of PLD repair was seen when 3-AB was added 3 h following irradiation. Utilizing the 6-thioguanine mutation assay, the effect of poly(ADP-R) synthetase inhibition under conditions of PLD repair upon mutation frequency were also studied. A large increase in mutation frequency following 24 h post-irradiation recovery in the presence of 3-AB was seen. These results favour a possible role of 3-AB in preventing repair by facilitating early damage fixation before repair can occur, simultaneously reducing G2-arrest.