Mismatch negativity and auditory sensory memory evaluation

A new faster paradigm to measure the duration of auditory sensory memory, as indexed by mismatch negativity (MMN) suppression to stimuli presented at increasing inter-stimulus intervals (ISI), is proposed. Trains of three stimuli were delivered at very short ISI (300 ms). The inter-train interval varied according to the memory probe interval (MPI) tested. Trains started randomly with a deviant or standard stimulus (50% each), with their event-related brain potentials subtracted to obtain the MMN. The new paradigm provided MMNs identical to the conventional one at MPIs of 0.4 and 4.0 s in young subjects, and revealed MMN suppression when the MPI was increased to 5.0 s in older subjects. The new paradigm estimates auditory sensory memory duration in one-third the time of conventional MMN.