Effects of combined nitrogen on anapleurotic carbon assimilation and bleeding sap composition in Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Dwarf french beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were grown with or without inoculation with rhizobia (strain 3644), and with or without a combined nitrogen source (nitrate or ammonium ions). The distribution of radioactivity into products of dark 14CO2 assimilation was studied in roots or nodules from these plants. A detailed study was also made of the distribution and rates of excretion of nitrogen in xylem bleeding sap in 28 day old plants grown on the various sources of nitrogen. Whereas detached nodules accumulated radioactive glycine, serine and glutamate when incubated with 14CO2, bleeding sap from plants root fed 14CO2 contained low levels of radioactivity in these compounds but higher levels in allantoin. Chemical analysis showed allantoin to be the major compound transported in the xylem of nodulated plants, whether or not they were fed on combined nitrogen. In contrast uninoculated plants accumulated mainly amino acids in the bleeding sap, the amount and chemical composition of which depended on the combined nitrogen source.