The population transfer between excited 3p54p argon levels induced by the collisional process. Ar*(3p54p)i+Ar(S01)Ar*(3p54p)j+Ar(S01)+ΔE was studied in the afterglow of an argon pulsed discharge, at the pressure range of 0.2-1 Torr. Selective population of one particular argon 3p54p level was achieved by laser excitation from one metastable state by use of a tunable cw dye laser. The populations of the laser-excited level and of the collisional excited levels were determined by intensity measurements of the fluorescence line and of the sensitized fluorescence lines. The time-dependence study of the population of the metastable state, of the laser-excited state, and of the collisional excited states was carried out to ascertain the product channel and to determine the collisional transfer rate coefficients.