Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Sensitizer-Adduct Measurements of Photodynamic Therapy-Induced Ischemia in Solid Tumors

Dunning R3327-AT prostate carcinomas growing in Fischer × Copenhagen rats were treated with interstitial photodynamic therapy (PDT—15 mg/kg Photofrin II 4 hours before illumination with 630-nm light via four paral-lelly implanted optical Fibers) at different light intensities. Forty to 60 minutes after treatment, 31 P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of tumors in anesthetized animals were obtained at 2.35 Tesla using surface coil localization. Areas under resonance peaks were normalized to the area under the peak of a phosphorus standard positioned at a fixed distance on the opposite side of the surface coil. Tumor concentrations of phosphomonoesters and phosphodiesters showed no change after tumor light doses up to 3000 J. Phosphocreatine, α-adenosine triphosphate (ATP), β-ATP, and γ-ATP signals decreased and inorganic phosphate signals increased with increasing light doses. The intratumor pH did not change significantly at these short times after PDT. In other R3327-AT and R3327-H tumor-bearing animals, [ 3 H];misonidazole was administered 30 minutes prior to PDT treatments of both tumors. Twenty-four hours later, the tumors were resected in toto, and levels of retained [ 3 H]misonidazole were determined in lased tumor specimens by liquid scintillation procedures. The amount of [ 3 H]misonidazole activity in tumor tissue (covalently bound after hypoxic reduction) increased with light doses up to 3000 J. Sensitizer-adduct formation was found to correlate with the ratio of the concentration of inorganic phosphate to that of β-ATP, both of which are presumed measures of tumor oxygenation status. These measurements have highlighted the heterogenous nature of the oxygenation status of these experimental tumors. The precision of each assay for estimating tumor oxygenation is discussed. [J Natl Cancer Inst 83:1650–1659,1991]

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