We discuss the lepton sector of a realistic string-inspired model based on the Pati-Salam $SU(4)\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$ gauge group supplemented by a U(1) family symmetry. The model involves third family Yukawa unification, predicts large $\tan \beta\sim 50$, and describes all fermion masses and mixing angles, including approximate bi-maximal mixing in the neutrino sector. Atmospheric neutrino mixing is achieved via a large 23 entry in the neutrino Yukawa matrix which can have important phenomenological effects. We find that the recent BNL result on the muon ($g-2$) can be easily accommodated in a large portion of the SUSY parameter space of this model. Over this region of parameter space the model predicts a CP-even Higgs mass near 115 GeV, and a rate for $\tau\to \mu\gamma$ which is close to its current experimental limit.

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