This paper examines tensions between a sense of loss of professional identity and drivers for change in achieving multiprofessional education and practice. Key ideas of Marris (1986), including feelings of ambivalence and ‘the conservative impulse’, are used as a framework for the paper and are linked to the vivid anthropological metaphor of ‘tribalism' (Beattie, 1994; 1995). The issues are considered to be important for innovations in multiprofessional education since they point to a dilemma which cannot be safely ignored. Legitimate expressions of resistance, arising from confusing expressions of ambivalence, conflict and grief, occur when boundaries of distinct groups appear to come under threat from integration of various professional groups and tribalism is often viewed as a negative expression of retreat and rejection of change. However, both can be seen as legitimate laments for betrayed traditions with elements of bereavement processes. As such they present a challenge for educationalists to adopt teaching methods conducive to open discussion and expression of feelings in a safe and non-judgemental atmosphere. Teaching in the affective domain recognises the legitimacy of cultural continuity and the need for professionals to wake transitions towards collaborative, professional, health care practices. The author concludes that the need to maintain the self-confidence of different professional groups is very real, as are the possibilities of failure if the issues of professional traditions are ignored.

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