Larger swordtail females prefer asymmetrical males

Many organisms, including humans, find symmetry more attractive than asymmetry. Is this bias towards symmetry simply a by-product of their detection system? We examined female preference for symmetry of the pigment pattern vertical bars in the swordtail fishes Xiphophorus cortezi and Xiphophorus malinche . We found a relationship between preference for symmetry and female size, with larger and thus older females spending significantly more time with the asymmetrical video animation as compared to the symmetrical video animation. The preference for asymmetry we report demonstrates that even if females can detect symmetrical males better, this does not preclude subsequent selection on females to prefer symmetrical or asymmetrical males. In addition, because the preference was correlated with female size, past studies may have missed preference for either asymmetry and/or symmetry by not examining the relationship between female preference and size/age or by measuring a limited size/age distribution of females. In both of the species of swordtail fishes examined, a high proportion of males are asymmetrical by more than one bar. We suggest that female preference may be maintaining fluctuating asymmetries in these fishes.