Ultraviolet photoemission studies of BaF2and BaCl2

Photoemission measurements on evaporated films of BaF2 and BaCl2 were made at photon energies of 8-27 eV. Spectral quantum yields and energy distributions of photoemitted electrons were measured. The photoelectron spectra show high-density-of-states structures at 2.5±0.2, 5.2±0.2, and 7.5±0.2 eV above the vacuum level for BaF2 and 3.5±0.2 eV above the vacuum level for BaCl2. The spectra also provide information on the valence-band widths, band thresholds, and the spin-orbit splitting of the Ba++ 5p core band of BaCl2. The energy differences between the regions of initial and final high densities of states are compared with the transition energies of certain structures found in the optical and energy-loss spectra of BaF2.