A Vascular Permeability Defect in Experimental Cholera

A vas-cular leak in the small bowel was demonstrated with colloidal iron-dextran (Imferon, Lakeside Laboratories) in experimental cholera in infant rabbits. No iron could be visualized after IV iron-dextran in control animals or in experimental animals until 90 minutes following oral administration of a cell-free choleragenic vibrio product, choleragen. At this time, when fluid leakage was just beginning, and for the entire duration of cholera syndrome, iron was demonstrable in post-capillary venules of the intestinal villus indicating the specific site of the leak. In this respect it resembled histamine-induced vascular leaks; however, the response was of the "delayed-prolonged" type. It is suggested that this is of major pathophysiological significance in experimental cholera.