Blood cell values in Healthy Hong Kong Chinese adults

Haemoglobin concentration and other blood cell indices were determined in a Coulter counter (Model S-Sr) in order to establish a reference range for healthy Hong Kong Chinese adults. The mean values for all the blood cell indices were significantly higher (P less than 0.0005) in males than in females, except for MCHC where there was no difference. In males, there was a statistically significant age-related decrease in RBC counts and Hb concentration, whereas MCV showed a statistically significant increase with age. The WBC counts also showed a statistically significant increase with age. In females, however, all the blood cell indices remained relatively unchanged up to 70 years of age, after which there was a drop in the RBC counts (P less than 0.01), PVC (P less than 0.05) and Hb concentration, the latter not reaching statistical significance. The MCH, however, increased after 70 years of age (P less than 0.05). The reference ranges derived for healthy Hong Kong Chinese adults are of a similar order of magnitude to those already published.