A reduction of stomatal aperture in light was found in leaves of maize after they had been treated with 10“3-5 m phenylmercuric acetate (PMA). Complete closure of the stomata in darkness was prevented, whilst there was total closure in the controls. Higher PMA concentrations had bigger effects. The relative water content (RWC) of barley tissues was slightly reduced 12 hours after treatment with PMA. The transpiration rate observed on PMA-treated barley plants was lower in light and higher in darkness than in untreated plants. Water saturation deficit (WSD) was higher by about 5%, and water holding capacity (WHC) lower (25%) than in untreated plants. The results suggest that the concentration of PMA normally applied as an antitranspirant is unfavourable for healthy growth of maize and barley. Po aplikácii PMA 10-3.5 na listy jačmeňa a kukurice bola redukovaná prieduchova štrbina od 5 do 14 % pri 8 K lux a 47 % pri osvetleni 4 K lux. Tá istá koncentrácia vyvolala neschopnosť prieduchov zatvorit sa v tme. Relativný obsah vody bol o niečo vyšší, ale aj nižší 12 hod po aplikácii PMA v závislosti od teploty pri sytení rastlin. Podobne sa prejavil aj vodný sytostný deficit v pletivách listoch. Vodoudržujúoa sohopnosť postrekaných rastlín bola znížená, pri porovnáni s kontrolou.