The organisation of the lamina ganglionaris of the crabs Scylla serrata and Leptograpsus variegatus

The gross structure and neuronal elements of the first optic ganglion of two crabs, Scylla serrata and Leptograpsus variegatus, are described on the basis of Golgi (selective silver) and reduced silver preparations. Of the eight retinula cells of each ommatidium, seven end within the lamina, while the eighth cell sends a long fibre to the external medulla. Five types of monopolar neurons are described, three types of large tangential fibres, and one fibre which may be centrifugal. The marked stratification of the lamina is produced by several features. The main synaptic region, the plexiform layer, is divided by a band of tangential fibres; the short retinula fibres end at two levels in the plexiform layer; and two types of monopolar cells have arborisations confined to the distal or proximal parts of the plexiform layer. The information presently available concerning the retina-lamina projection in Crustacea is examined. Some of the implications of retina and lamina structure are discussed in conjunction with what is known about their electrophysiology.