A simple and generalised model — termed the simplistic Chinese box [SCB] model — for the interaction of molecular probes with living systems is described. The SCB model includes the following assumptions. That living systems may be considered as built from biologically defined boxes, e.g. whole cell nucleus nucleoli. That movement of molecular probes into and through these boxes is strongly infuenced by box wall permeability, which in turn is largely dependent on the simple physicochemical properties of probe and wall. That retention of probes in boxes is influenced by permeability of the walls and by trapping of probes by boxes and walls, the latter effect also being strongly dependent on simple physicochemical, properties. That important physicochemical properties include electric charge, hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, non-specific protein binding, and molecular size. That, since all these factors can be expressed or modelled numerically, SAR methodology is an appropriate technique for analysing molecular probe investigations.