This paper considers the factors of presbyacusis and noise exposure in relation to permanent hearing loss and provides a quantitative model from which an age correction factor in occupational hearing loss may be derived. The rationale for a presbyacusis correction is provided in terms of physiological and audiometric data. The additivity hypothesis is considered and constraints on this approach are presented. A quantitative model for assessing the age component in occupational hearing loss is then derived from empirical functions. The model is based on the concept of a variable ratio for partitioning the effects of presbyacusis and noise exposure. Consideration is given to the application of the model in medico-legal cases of occupational hearing loss in which the degree of hearing impairment must be assessed. L'exposition au bruit et l'aˇge sont les deux principaux facteurs ayant des effets nocifs sur l'audition. Ces facteurs sont-ils complémentaires, s'ajoutent-ils, ou bien agissentils l'un sur l'autre? Nous proposons un modèle quantitatif donnant la correction due à l'aˇge lorsqu'on considère une perte d'audition due au bruit.

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