Body Image Disturbances in Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity

Body image and personality features were measured in patients with anorexia nervosa and obesity. It was hypothesized that obese and anorexic patients would display similar body image disturbances characterized by relative overestimation of body size in comparison with control subjects. Body image was measured by both a distorting photograph technique (a general measure) and a visual size estimation apparatus (for specific body regions). Personality features were assessed by the Eysenck Personality Inventory and a modified version of Rotter''s Locus of Control Scale. Both obese (N = 16) and anorexic (N = 18) subjects significantly differed from 3 control groups (P < 0.01) in body size estimation on a general measure of body image. A measure of specific body regions did not differentiate between groups. For anorexic and obese patients, body size estimates were significantly correlated with personality features.