Nuclear Orientation Study of the Decay ofNp239Polarized in ZrFe2: Parity Mixing inPu239and Nuclear Structure ofPu239and Fission ProductsXe131,132,133

Investigations of the angular distribution of γ radiation from Np239 polarized at low temperatures in ZrFe2 have suggested small forward-backward asymmetries for several of the hindered E1 and M1 γ transitions of Pu239. From the anisotropies of the γ-ray angular distributions, the following multipole mixing ratios were deduced: E2M1:δ(210)=0.02±0.02, δ(228)=0.07±0.03, δ(254)=0.12±0.06, δ(278)=+0.16±0.03; M2E1:δ(106)=+0.05±0.03, δ(316)=0.10±0.12, δ(334)=+0.02±0.03. The small E2M1 mixing ratios of the ΔK=2 transitions are explainable in terms of Coriolis mixing. The 512-keV level of Pu239 has been identified as the 72+[624] Nilsson state, which assignment yields the E2M1 mixing ratio δ(182)=0.12±0.08. The hyperfine splitting of Np239 in (U0.005 Zr0.995)Fe2 has been determined to be 60 ± 5 mK. Difficulties encountered in the selection of a suitable ferromagnetic environment for Np239 are discussed. Spin assignments and γ-ray multipole mixing ratios in Xe131,132,133 were deduced from angular distributions of γ rays following the decays of fission products I131,132,133.