Begum, F., C. L Wisseman, Jr. (Dept. Microbiology, School of Medicine, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. 21201) and J. Casals. Tick-borne viruses of West Pakistan. IV. Viruses similar to, or identical with, Crimean hemorrhagic fever (Congo-Semunya), Wad Medani and Pak Argas 461 isolated from ticks of the Changa Manga Forest, Lahore District, and of Hunza, Gilgit Agency, W. Pakistan. Amer. J. Epid. 1970, 92; 197–202.—From a total of eight viral strains isolated from hard ticks collected from diverse areas of W. Pakistan, four came from ticks from the Changa Manga Forest area of Lahore District. Serologic data have shown these to represent three distinct arthropod-bome viruses. Two of these represent strains of Wad Medani and Crimean hemorrhagic fever viruses, respectively, and the third resembles a virus previously isolated from soft ticks in the same forest area.