Ultrastructure of a large ventro-lateral dendritic bundle in the rat ventral horn

Summary There is an extensive bundle of dendrites with a rostro-caudal axis in the ventro-lateral lamina of the sixth lumbar segment in each side of the rat spinal cord. Such a bundle has a diameter of about 250 μm and contains over 1400 parallel dendrites., each with a diameter of less than 8 μm, interspersed between neuronal somata. The volume fraction of dendrites in the bundle neuropil is about 55%, the remainder being equally distributed between astrocytes, synaptic boutons, and axons, most of which are unmyelinated. An analysis of the median percentage covering of dendrites by contiguous elements of the neuropil reveals that as the dendrite diameter decreases from 4 to 0.2 μm (mean=2 μm), astrocytes increase from 43 to 75%, axons decrease from 21% to zero, boutons decrease from 28% to zero, and dendrites decrease from 10% to zero. There is a mean of 18 synaptic boutons per 100 μn2 of the overall dendritic surface, but larger boutons tend to be more frequent on larger dendritic profiles. Apposed dendrites and their somata may have either puncta adhaerentia or confronting subsurface cisternae. Synaptic types in the rat are similar to those reported for the cat. The morphological findings are discussed with respect to previously proposed interaction between neural elements.