Population structure and Mdh- 1 locus variation in Apis mellifera ligustica

In a wide area of the Piedmont of Italy the apiaries of Apis mellifera ligustica Spin., (the Italian bee) show homogeneous allelic frequency distributions at the Mdh-1 locus, the only one known to be polymorphic in worker bees. This can be explained by considering that an apiary is not a closed genetic system and that among apiaries gene flow is sufficient to overcome the different forces of inbreeding and random genetic drift. Nevertheless there is some evidence for partial subdivision because the pooled samples show a weak Wahlund effect. Moreover, the M allele at the same locus can be used as a diagnostic marker to distinguish A. m. ligustica populations (M absent or at very low frequencies) from A. m. mellifera French populations (monomorphic for M The two honey-bee varieties, almost entirely separated by the Alps, hybridize with each other in very limited alpine areas. Hybrid populations show intermediate M frequencies.