Direct faradic stimulation of the spleen of normal rabbits for 1-2 min. causes a change in the differential leucocyte formula. The change is due to the production of a relative mononucleosis in the splenic vein. The relative mono-nucleosis occurring after 1-2 min. splenic stimulation is accompanied by a leucopenia in the splenic vein. Splenic stimulation for shorter periods of time (10-15 sec.) causes both a relative mononucleosis and a leucocytosis in the splenic vein. The leucopenia following prolonged contractions of the spleen as a result of stimulation for 1-2 min. is caused by an unequal retention of leucocytes, the polymorpho-nuclears being more affected than the mononuclear cells. The leucocytosis following the initial contraction caused by stimulation of short duration is due to a discharge of mononuclear cells from the splenic pulp which contains these cells in abundance. It is concluded that the spleen is capable while contracting of changing the differential leucocyte picture. A discussion is presented of the capacity of the spleen in modifying and causing variations in the leucocyte level of the circulation when the sympathetic division of the autonomic system which innervates the spleen is activated, as by emotion, cold, asphyxia or muscular exercise.

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