Study of the ReactionsK−p→K¯2πNfrom 1.2 to 1.7 BeV/c

This report summarizes the study of K¯2πN final states resulting from Kp interactions over the energy region from 1.2 to 1.7 BeV/c, with the emphasis on K¯π and K¯2π systems. It is shown that except for the 1520-MeV Y0*, no other resonance contributes markedly to these channels in this energy range. More specifically, there is no evidence for any JP=1+ meson of negative strangeness. The branching ratio of the K* into a κ and a π is shown to be less than 0.2% of its total rate. The cross section for the reaction KpκπN over this range of energies is shown to be less than or equal to a few microbarns.

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