Rate coefficients for the clustering of CO2, N2, and O2 to NO+

The rate coefficients for three-body, ion-neutral association have been measured at room temperature for the clustering of the atmospheric gases CO2, N2, and O2 to NO+. The rate coefficients are 2.4×10−29 cm6/sec for CO2 with CO2 as the major third body (M≈CO2), 2×10−31 cm6/sec for N2 (M≈N2), and 9×10−32 cm6/sec for O2(M≈O2). Estimated experimental error is ±30%, and the effect of possible additional uncertainties is indicated. The rate coefficients for collisional dissociation of the cluster ions have upper limits of ∼2×10−11 cm3/sec for NO+(N2) and ∼1×10−11 cm3/sec for both NO+(O2) and NO+(CO2).