Observation ofbdγand Determination of|Vtd/Vts|

We report the observation of the flavor-changing neutral current process bdγ using a sample of 386×106 B meson pairs accumulated by the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e collider. We measure branching fractions for the exclusive modes Bργ, B¯0ρ0γ, and B¯0ωγ. Assuming that these three modes are related by isospin, we find B(B¯(ρ,ω)γ)=(1.320.31+0.34(stat)0.09+0.10(syst))×106 with a significance of 5.1σ. This result is used to determine the ratio of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements |Vtd/Vts| to be 0.1990.025+0.026(exp)0.015+0.018(theor).