A method devised for preparing thin sections of the gallstone while not disturbing its original structure, is characterized by utilization of a resin film to protect the section from disintegration during cutting. The gallstone is embedded in paraffin and its cut surface is coated with a thin film of vinyl acetate resin by painting its solution. Using microtome, a section of desired thickness is cut. Serial sections as thin as 1-3 microns are easily prepared by repeating this painting and cutting procedure. Mounted on the slide glass, the resin-reinforced section can be immediately examined by ordinary or polarization microscope, the resin film having approximately the same refraction index as glass. Moreover, the specimen is ready for staining when it is fixed to the slide glass in such a manner that the gallstone section faces upward and the resin film downward. This simple technique is applicable to almost any kind of gallstones with a result superior to that obtained by previously proposed methods.