The water-soluble high-molecular materials of the bulb-juices of about 75 spp. of Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Iridaceae were studied with the ultra-centrifuge. The different spp. gave widely different sedimentation diagrams; they contained proteins and poly-saccharides of different properties and in different proportions. The spp. of a given genus were similar but outside the genera, the differences were large even within the same family. Among the carbohydrates found there were 2 classes distinguished by their sedimentation behavior: the Hyncinthus type (S20l-2), found especially within the Scilloideae (Liliaceae), gives a broad, diffuse boundary, indicating a marked polydispersity; the Lilium type, obtained with the genera Lilium and Narcissus, although having a sedimentation constant of the same magnitude, yields a sharp boundary, which is probably due to the threadlike shape of the molecules. 2 individuals of the Lilium-type polysaccharide, from L. speciosum and Narcissus leedsi, were purified and subjected to a more detailed physico-chemical investigation. The sedimentation constants extrapolated to zero cone. were: for the Lilium spp., 1.6; for the Narcissus spp., 1.9. Diffusion expts. in combination with these figures gave mean mol. wts. of 20,000 and 50,000 respectively. The polydispersity of the soluble polysaccharides was compared with the monodispersity of the globular proteins.