Trinucleon system in a two-body model: Coulomb effect on bound and scattering states

Recently it has been suggested that as in the neutron deuteron problem the theoretically calculated spin-doublet S wave proton deuteron scattering length apd2 is correlated with He3 binding energy. This strongly suggests that apd02. In this paper we study various properties of the low energy trinucleon system including this correlation among scattering length and binding energy for the spin-doublet neutron deuteron and the proton deuteron systems in an ad hoc two-body model. The two-body potential models we employ have a long range tail of r2 type and have been parametrized to produce the correct binding energies of H3 and He3 and the correct s wave spin-doublet neutron deuteron scattering lengths and2. The present study predicts the low energy nucleon deuteron phase shifts and predicts the proton deuteron scattering length to be apd(0.15±0.12) fm.